Here is the June newsletter! Stay updated for the summer!
Also, check out the mini infographic on the 2nd page! 🙂
Here is the June newsletter! Stay updated for the summer!
Also, check out the mini infographic on the 2nd page! 🙂
Happy Easter! A lot of events are happening this month, so take a look at our latest newsletter for more details! 🙂
This issue we have a fun “Did You Know?” section about the Sacrament of Confirmation!
In a few weeks, we will celebrate Easter! Check out this upcoming month’s newsletter for more information!
It’s the season of Lent! Here are the announcements for this month!
The February edition of Giao Ly Oi is here! Please click below, read up and enjoy 🙂 Giao Ly Oi February 2017
The February edition of Giao Ly Oi is here! Please click below, read up and enjoy 🙂
Our very first issue for 2017! Happy New Year! Giao Ly Oi January 2017
Our very first issue for 2017! Happy New Year!
Giao Ly Oi January 2017
Our December newsletter is our best one yet! Giao Ly Oi December 2016
Our December newsletter is our best one yet!
Our November issue of Giao Ly Oi. Check it out! Giao Ly Oi November 2016
Our November issue of Giao Ly Oi. Check it out!
September is our inaugural issue!