Look and Feel
Are you doing something related to Giao Ly? Please use our logos, colors, and fonts so that we have a consistent look and “feel” to the Giao Ly family :
Logo (JPG, Small)
Logo Only (JPG, Small)
- The RED color in the logo has RGB (236, 27, 36) or HEX (#EC1B24)
- The YELLOW color in the logo has RBG (255, 241, 0) or HEX (#FFF100)
- Kaushan Script (Google Font). For font details see the Google font information page.
- Unfortunately this font does not have the full Vietnamese diacritic marks, and is limited only to the Giáo Lý and some other basic Vietnamese words.
Order Gear
For active volunteers, catechists, and assistant catechists in Giao Ly, we have some gear to share. Talk to your coordinator or director about how you can get some of these cool things.