Catechist & Volunteer Resources

The following are resources to help Catechists, Assistant Catechists, and Volunteers grow and learn more about their faith.


Helpful Links

Printing Service

A reminder about printing copies – waiting to print on Saturday morning is a VERY BAD IDEA.   The printers overheat, we get long lines, or something breaks…. it is unreliable to expect to print Saturday mornings.

Instead, Sr. Mai & her volunteers provide a great copy & printing service (volunteer print during the day M-F 9:30-4pm).  Please do the following:

  • Email to a PDF of what you want to print to both:
    •   (Sr. Mai)  AND
    •  (volunteers)
  • In the email subject put your class and how many copies
  • In the email message put any special requests – “hole punch”, “staple”, “double-sided”, etc.

Required SEP/VIRTUS Training (Renew every 3 years)

You must complete and certify your training, every 3 years.  Certification is tracked online, and verified by our parish.  To check your status online, or to sign up for certified training, visit the following site:

  • For Location, select “Seattle” or “Seattle Archdiocese”
  • For the church, we are listed as “Church of Vietnamese Martyrs”

All volunteers, catechists, and Church personnel are expected to follow the policies provided by the Seattle Archdiocese.

When you complete the training, you will receive a certificate for your records.  Our parish can check your compliance as well.  For example when you log in, it will list your compliance in your account.  A sample is below:

Example of Training Status